Portulaca grandiflora


Plant Type Annual
Broadleaf, Deciduous

Form Matting

Climate Zones Undefined

Bloom Color Red, Orange, Yellow, White, Pink

Bloom Time Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall

Growth Rate Fast

Mature Height 6 to 8 inches

Mature Spread 6 to 12 inches

Environment Full sun
Dry to Moist soil
Drought tolerant

Soil Alkaline, Neutral, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Fall Color No change in color, Not showy

Attributes Attractive foliage
Long blooming
Deer resistant
Open crown
Moderately flammable

Uses Border
Rock garden

Native Habitat South America.

Culture Notes Can be sown under glass in the late winter. Seed will also germinate outdoors if planted in the spring. Life of the individual flowers only lasts one day, deadhead for continuing blooms. Flowers will close in the evening.

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