Petunia hybrida


Plant Type Annual
Broadleaf, Deciduous

Form Irregular or sprawling

Climate Zones Undefined

Bloom Color Red, Yellow, Purple, White, Pink

Bloom Time Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall

Growth Rate Average

Mature Height 6 to 15 inches

Mature Spread 8 to 12 inches

Environment Partial shade to Full sun
Moist soil

Soil Neutral, Adaptable, Clay, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Attributes Fragrant foliage
All or parts of this plant are poisonous
Long blooming
Fool proof plant
Attracts hummingbirds
Attractive flowers or blooms
Moderately flammable

Uses Border
Small site
Rock garden

Native Habitat Hybrid

Culture Notes Plants prefer a sunny well drained soil. Most plants tend to flop with age. Removal of spent flowers encourages more blooms. Cultivars are not reliable from seed. Stem cuttings can be taken and rooted in the summer.

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