Juniperus chinensis spartan


Plant Type Tree
Evergreen, Needles or needle-like leaf

Form Conical evergreen

Climate Zones 4a to 10a

Bloom Color Yellow, Brown

Bloom Time Early spring, Mid spring, Late spring

Growth Rate Fast

Mature Height 14 to 20 feet

Mature Spread 6 to 8 feet

Environment Partial shade to Full sun
Dry to Moist soil
Drought tolerant

Soil Alkaline, Neutral, Acidic, Clay, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy, Adaptable, Slightly alkaline

Leaf Color Blue

Fall Color No change in color, Not showy

Attributes Fragrant foliage
Not North American native
Deer resistant
Attractive foliage
Five star plant
Fool proof plant
Attracts birds
Inconspicuous flowers or blooms
Dense crown
Highly flammable

Uses Border
Foundation plant

Native Habitat Species native to China, Mongolia, Japan

Culture Notes Growing best in full sun, more open in partial shade, juniper needs well-drained soil or it will decline from root rot. It tolerates alkaline soil and is quite drought-tolerant but root regeneration is slow after transplanting from a field nursery. It is frequently offered in containers from a nursery in various sizes depending on the cultivar Junipers develop into a showcase specimen without pruning and is probably best used for this purpose.

Pests and Diseases Pests: Mites and bagworms can infest the foliage.
Diseases: Juniper is susceptible to root rot and tip blight.

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