Aechmea Samuri


Plant Type Perennial
Evergreen, Broadleaf

Form Fountain

Climate Zones 10a to 11

Bloom Color Red

Bloom Time Early summer, Mid summer

Growth Rate Slow

Mature Height 2 to 3 feet

Mature Spread 20 to 28 inches

Environment Partial shade
Moist soil
Drought tolerant

Soil Neutral, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy, Acidic, Clay, Slightly alkaline

Leaf Color Variegated

Attributes Not North American native
Attractive foliage
Five star plant
Fool proof plant
Bold foliage

Uses Container
Ground cover
Small site

Native Habitat Species native to Columbia, Peru, Brazil

Culture Notes These plants are often used in outside landscaping in zones 8 and above. However, in the zones where frost occurs, the plants should be brought inside before the first frost occurs. In areas where frost is brief, cover the plant.
After the plants boom and sucker, the suckers can be divided and replanted. When the parent plant begins to brown, remove it to allow the plants energy to go to the young plants .

Pests and Diseases Pests: mealybugs, scales
Diseases: overwatering or underwatering can cause fungus problems.

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