Aloe brevifolia


Plant Type Perennial, Succulent
Evergreen, Broadleaf

Form Succulent, Basal rossette

Climate Zones 10a to 11

Bloom Color Red

Bloom Time Early spring, Mid spring, Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall, Mid fall, Late fall, Early winter, Mid winter, Late winter

Growth Rate Average

Mature Height 4 to 6 inches

Mature Spread 8 to 24 inches

Environment Partial shade to Full sun
Dry soil
Drought tolerant

Soil Neutral, Well drained, Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Fall Color No change in color, Not showy

Attributes Attractive foliage
Not North American native
Fool proof plant
Bold foliage
Deer resistant
Attracts hummingbirds

Uses Container
Ground cover

Native Habitat South Africa

Culture Notes Aloes are easy to grow in well drained soil. In areas where winters are cool, grow in containers and protect when temperature drops below 29 degrees. Flowers occur on 20 inch high clusters intermittently all year. The sword shaped leaves are toothed. Many offsets will form and can be divided to grow new plants.

Pests and Diseases Pests: mealybugs, scales
Diseases: root rot, chlorosis, and black leaf spot

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