Acacia farnesiana


Plant Type Tree
Evergreen, Broadleaf

Form Shrub tree

Climate Zones 9a to 11

Bloom Color Yellow

Bloom Time Early spring, Mid spring, Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall, Mid fall, Late fall, Early winter, Mid winter, Late winter

Growth Rate Slow

Mature Height 15 to 20 feet

Mature Spread 15 to 20 feet

Environment Full sun
Dry to Moist soil
Drought tolerant
Tolerates wetness
Heat tolerant

Soil Alkaline, Neutral, Acidic, Clay, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy, Adaptable, Slightly alkaline

Leaf Color Green

Fall Color No change in color, Not showy

Attributes Naturalizing
North American native
Fool proof plant
Long blooming
Deer resistant
Attracts hummingbirds
Attracts birds
Fragrant flowers
Attractive flowers or blooms
Open crown
Highly flammable

Uses Erosion control
Patio tree
Street tree

Native Habitat North America

Culture Notes Although easy to grow in any acid or alkaline soil, including clay, the leaves will drop if the soil is allowed to dry out. This drought avoidance mechanism allows the plant to grow well with no irrigation once established. Growing best in full sun, this thorny, well-branched shrub makes an excellent barrier planting or nesting cover for wildlife. It can be trained as a small tree and used as a freestanding specimen. But its growth rate is extremely slow, making it unpopular in the nursery trade but popular with those who care for it in the landscape. Sweet Acacia has its place in any sunny shrub border or as an accent plant in any garden if located away from areas where children frequent, since the thorns can inflict severe pain. It is well suited for dry climates with little rainfall.

It can be trained into a tree for use in median strips, or can be used as a street tree where there is not a need for tall-vehicle clearance beneath the crown. The small stature and low, spreading branching habit makes pruning for vehicular clearance difficult unless it is properly trained from an early age. But the required input of manhours for early training may be offset by the high drought, pest and insect resistance of the tree. Do not locate the tree too close to where people can be injured by the sharp thorns on the branches.

Pests and Diseases None of major concern. Occasionally anthracnose can infect leaves.

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