Melissa officinalis


Plant Type Perennial
Deciduous, Broadleaf

Form Upright,

Climate Zones 4a to 8b

Bloom Color White

Bloom Time Mid summer

Growth Rate Average

Mature Height 18 to 24 inches

Mature Spread 12 to 18 inches

Environment Partial shade to Full sun
Moist soil

Soil Neutral, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Attributes Attractive foliage
Fragrant foliage

Uses Container

Native Habitat Southern Europe

Culture Notes Naturalized in eastern United States, this plant should be sheltered from strong winds. Cut back after flowering to promote new growth.

The leaves are used in drinks, fruit cups, salads, and fish dishes. The leave,s when dried, are used to give a lemon scent to sachets and potpourris.

Pests and Diseases Diseases: powdery mildew

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