Ipomoea purpurea


Plant Type Annual
Evergreen, Broadleaf

Form Upright, Irregular or sprawling

Climate Zones 9a to 11

Bloom Color Red, Blue, Purple, White, Pink

Bloom Time Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall

Growth Rate Fast

Mature Height 3 to 8 feet

Mature Spread 4 to 6 feet

Environment Full sun
Dry to Moist soil
Drought tolerant

Soil Adaptable, Sandy, Well drained, Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Fall Color No change in color, Not showy

Attributes Not North American native
Fool proof plant
Attracts hummingbirds
Attractive flowers or blooms
Open crown
Low flammability

Uses Container

Native Habitat Probably Mexico

Culture Notes When planted from seed, germination can occur between 5 to 7 days. Over fertilization will result in all vine and few flowers. The flowers of this plant will open early in the morning or stay open on cloudy days.

Pests and Diseases None serious

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