Cynara scolymus


Plant Type Perennial
Broadleaf, Evergreen

Form Upright,

Climate Zones 7a to 9a

Bloom Color Green

Bloom Time Late summer

Growth Rate Average

Mature Height 2 to 5 feet

Mature Spread 18 to 35 inches

Environment Partial shade to Full sun
Moist to Wet soil

Soil Loamy

Leaf Color Green

Attributes Edible

Native Habitat Native to West and Central Mediterranean. Today grown in Belgium, France, California, and Mediterranean regions with rich soil, humidity, and mild climates.

Culture Notes Large thistlelike plant. The thick leaves of the thistle head and the bottom part of the immature thistle are edible. The ground for growing should be dug deep. Artichokes prefer fertile sandy loam. The plants need full sun exposure. In mild climates, artichoke seeds can be sown directly outside. The seedlings should be eventually thinned to four feet apart. Artichokes should be watered often and not allowed to go bone dry. Grows approximately three feet tall. Prefer an open site, cool climates, and tolerate light to medium frost. Require nitrogen for best results. The plant dies back each year after the thistles are formed, and new shoots grow the next season. After a number of years, plants should be divided and replanted separately.

Pests and Diseases Slugs and snails

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